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Upgrade your Edgeware Node to v4.0.0

Release v4.0.0 is the latest release from Edgeware, this release upgrades Edgeware's mainnet from v3.2.0 Tokyo spec_version 46.

Step 1: Get the new binary

Build from source:
$ git clone && cd edgeware-node/ && git checkout "v4.0.0" && cargo build --release  

Step 2: Remove "lightSyncState" from your chainspec file

Your validators chainspec file might cointain the "lightSyncState" column, if so delete that line and restart your validator with the new chainspec and the new binary.

This is part of the sc-light crate from Parity that has now been depricated and is removed and replaced.

Step 3: Copy over the new binary

Copy the binary to your validator node and restart your validator with the new binary.

Connect to Edgeware's mainnet with polkadot.js after upgrade

Thanks to Parity's scale codec the chain is able to upgrade from metadata v12 to v14. This enables developers to connect to Edgeware's mainnet without having to use Edgeware's custom node types.

Before upgrade

Add @edgeware/node-types and @polkadot/api to package.json:

"@edgeware/node-types": "^3.6.2-wako",
"@polkadot/api": "^9.4.1",

Connect to the chain:

import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from "@polkadot/api";
import { spec } from '@edgeware/node-types';

const wsProvider = new WsProvider("ws://node:wsport"); // connect to our node using ws
const api = await ApiPromise.create(
provider: wsProvider,
...spec //Load EDG Custom spec

After upgrade

We can now say goodbye to Edgeware's custom node types and we can use metadata v14 and the generic scale codec types.

Remove @edgeware/node-types and import { spec } from '@edgeware/node-types' from your code and connect to the chain without node-types spec:

async function connect_without_custom_types() {
const provider = new WsProvider("ws://node:wsport");
const api = await ApiPromise.create({ // create our api instance without adding the spec
return api;

Use wasm-only interfaces

Certain extrinsics requires us to connect with a wasm-only interface. If you see the error:

Error: The WASM interface has not been initialized. Ensure that you wait for the initialization Promise with waitReady() from @polkadot/wasm-crypto (or cryptoWaitReady() from @polkadot/util-crypto) before attempting to use WASM-only interfaces.

Execute cryptoWaitReady() before creating the api instance:

import { cryptoWaitReady } from "@polkadot/util-crypto";

await cryptoWaitReady();
const wsProvider = new WsProvider("ws://node:wsport");
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: wsProvider

Read more about release v4.0.0 here:

Code samples taken from:

Polkadot.js WASM interface: